The Transparency Act

Account of Due Diligence Assessment

Demands in the Transparency Act

Bravo Seafood AS complies with the Act on businesses’ transparency act and work with basic human rights and decent working conditions (Transparency Act 2021, § 1). This requires larger businesses to carry out due diligence assessments – to avoid negative consequences for human rights and decent working conditions in their own business and in the business’ supply chain. The other purpose of the Act is to ensure public access to information on how the company handles negative consequences for basic human rights and decent working conditions.

The transparency standard in the Transparency Act is based on the UN’s guiding principles for responsible business and human rights (UNGP) and the OECD’s guide for due diligence assessments for responsible business. To fulfill the law, the business must carry out a process for the due diligence assessments.

Ethical and social guidelines

Ethics in Bravo Seafood is about us being able to stand for the choices we make in the work situation. Will they withstand the public light? We use both our head, gut feeling and spinal reflex when we act, and we usually end up with the good choices. Nevertheless, some situations will be more difficult than others and therefore Bravo Seafood has adopted ethical rules. They ensure that the choices do not come at the expense of the community’s best interests and set a standard for how we should carry out our tasks in a way that enables partners to have confidence in us.

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs -

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are the world’s joint work plan to meet today’s needs without destroying the possibilities for future generations to have their needs met. Read more here.

Bravo Seafood works with sustainable development daily. We have defined some goals that has an extra focus in our organization:

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs -

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

• 36% of the employees in Bravo Seafood are women
• High proportion of women represented in the board

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs -

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

• Our focus on quality and sustainability ensures that together, we can meet the demand in a responsible way.
• We prioritize food safety and procedures in all the work we do – read our certifications – ASC, GG, Debio øko – here.
• Salmon is a sustainable source of protein – the carbon footprint from salmon and trout is lower than beef, pork and other protein derived from animals.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs -

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

• We collaborate with fish farmers along the entire Norwegian coast, who all are concerned with sustainable production.
• Our partners work continuously to reduce emissions through innovation and technological development

Sustainability is a part of our DNA

•  The employees bikes (and the boss rows) to work.
• We are a paperless company.
•  We support the local community, such as Flora Trekking Association (DNT) and Florø Fotball
•   The employees are active hikers and uses nature a lot.

Our certifications


GLOBAL G.A.P. is an international standard to produce farmed fish with focus on food safety, environmental protection, working environment and animal welfare. The standard spans over the entire production process and ensures its traceability throughout the production and supply chain, from fish farm to consumer.

Read more here.


Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is a world-leading certification program for fish and seafood. The certification is approved by WWF. When the product is traced throughout the value chain, you are confident that the product is sustainable. ASC ensures requirements for sustainable and environmentally responsible production. You know for sure that the product can be traced back to a sustainable supplier.

Read more here.


Debio guarantees that goods marked with the approval mark are produced in an organic and sustainable way. Debio’s approval marks are the guarantee that goods marked with these have been produced according to the current regulations. All approved businesses are checked annually by one of Debio’s quality auditors to ensure this.

Read more here.